My Forever Friend
I took a walk the other day
and rested by a tree;
some old elm along the trail
you used to go with me.
I tossed the ball up in the air
the one I used to throw;
loved to run and fetch it
no matter where it’d go.
I laughed as I remembered
when you gave us both a fright;
found that ball in a pile of leaves
and a nest of quail took flight.
I closed my eyes and felt your licks
wet and warm
upon my face;
It was your way of thanking me
for bringing you to this place.
I cried as memories flooded in
friend’s no longer here;
The grief and pain I feel sometimes
flows in a watershed
of tears.
I prayed for you
my beloved pet
and thanked our gracious Lord;
For giving you a brand new life
a body now restored.
I smile
because I feel your love
that transcends time and space;
When I’m missing you
dear "Pretty Girl"
I’ll meet you at this place.
In Memory Of "Pretty Girl"